The company NATUR-PACK, a. s., is a producer responsibility organization (PRO) for packaging with an authorization granted according to § 89 par. 1 letter b), which ensures for manufacturers of packaging and non-packaging products, electrical equipment, batteries and accumulators, the fulfillment of obligations arising from the Waste Act No. 79/2015 Coll.
Through the producer responsibility organization for packaging, obligations are fulfilled both for the dedicated waste stream from packaging and for the dedicated waste stream from non-packaged products.
Through the producer responsibility organization for electrical equipment, the obligations for the dedicated stream of electrical waste are fulfilled, and through the producer responsibility organization for batteries and accumulators, the obligations for the dedicated stream of spent batteries and accumulators are fulfilled.
The main mission of the company
- to ensure waste management (collection, recovery and recycling) for all types of packaging waste, waste from non-packaging products, electrical and electronic equipment, batteries and accumulators in accordance with the principles of Extended Producer Responsibility,
- to operate as an open and transparent system for the entities contributing to the material flow of the packaging waste, waste from non-packaging products, electrical and electronic equipment, batteries and accumulators and to secure their equal status,
- to ensure effectively and transparently the fulfillment of the obligations of packaging producers, producers of non-packaging products, producers of electrical and electronic equipment and producers of batteries and accumulators with emphasis to the rigorous control of financial flows leading to the minimization of costs for the system participants,
- to implement and to promote Extended Producer Responsibility as the basic principle for financing of the separated waste collection and recovery in the SR,
- to establish itself as a client-oriented and professional organization which manages transferred responsibilities in the framework of legal obligations of its clients in a guaranteed and well-founded manner,
- to conduct open communication and dialogue with all partners and respective state authorities in the sector of environmental protection,
- to provide clients with the most comprehensive services possible in the framework of Extended Producer Responsibility and waste legislation,
- to participate in the process of „creation of Slovak waste legislation“,
- to implement activities toward improved environmental awareness of the citizens, especially in the field of separated waste collection and waste generation prevention,
- to develop highly professional team anchored not only in high professional competence, but also on ethics, teamwork and loyalty.
Establishment and history of the company
NATUR-PACK, a. s., was established as an authorized organization by entry to the Commercial Register of the Slovak Republic on 16 February 2006.
The newly created obligations for the so-called obliged persons (so-called producers, at present) acted as the main impetus – collection, recovery and recycling of the packaging waste.
These obligations resulted from the Directive No. 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste, implemented into Slovak legislation by the Act No. 529/2002 Coll., replaced by the Act No. 119/2010 Coll., which was amended by the Waste Act No. 79/2015 Coll., currently in force.
Based on the above facts, several obliged entities in cooperation with the important recyclers (Vetropack Nemšová, s. r. o., Smurfit Kappa Štúrovo, a. s.,...) and collection companies (OLO, a. s., KOSIT, a. s., .A.S.A. SLOVENSKO, spol. s r. o.) decided to create an authorized organization NATUR-PACK, a.s.
Waste Act No. 79/2015 Coll. introduced a new form of collective fulfillment of obligations resulting from the Extended Producer Responsibility. Activities of organizations ensuring collective fulfillment, so-called Producer Responsibility Organizations (PRO) is legislatively conditioned by granting of an authorization by the Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic.
Company NATUR-PACK, a.s. received an authorization in the year 2016 for the following activities:
- reserved waste stream from packaging waste and waste from non-packaging products (April 20th 2016)
- reserved waste stream from electrical and electronic equipment (May 6th 2016)
- reserved waste stream from portable batteries and accumulators (May 30th 2016)
- reserved waste stream from industrial batteries and accumulators (April 27th 2023)