Electronic report filling

NATUR-PACK, a.s. is the first company to introduce a new way of submitting quarterly reports - ON-LINE electronic report filling.

Electronic report filling is designed only for members of the NATURPACK collective system and it allows NATUR-PACK, a.s. and its members to communicate more safely and efficiently.

In the For members section you can find more information about waste management available to NATURPACK members only.


Advantages for users 

  • less demand on paperwork
  • easier communication between the obliged person and NATUR-PACK, a.s.
  • increase in efficiency of your work  
  • easy and comfortable sending of information (quarterly reports, expected annual quantities of packaging placed on the market)
  • immediate access to information about service fees based on the inserted data
  • record-keeping and overview of submitted quarterly reports and announcements about the expected annual quantities of packaging placed on the market
  • up-to-date and interesting information about waste management available to NATURPACK members only.


Advantages of electronic report filling

  • reports can be sent from any computer that has Internet access
  • reports completed using the standard Internet browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla FireFoxetc.) without any need to install complementary software
  • easy and well-arranged report filling, reports based on hardcopy reports
  • after logging on to the system the user is automatically recognized
  • immediate access to information about service fees after completing reports
  • after sending are reports automatically saved in PDF form to database, where are always available
  • reports in PDF form can be saved in to your local disc or printed and added to your evidence
  • reports can be also completed off-line and saved in PDF files
  • reports saved in PDF files can be printed and sent via mail
  • electronic report filling is more environment-friendly



  • users log on to the system using a unique name and password only they know
  • after logging on to the system the user is automatically recognized
  • only one user from that particular company can be logged on to the system
  • electronic reports can be sent only for the current quarter - elimination of mistakes


September 3th, 2007