Event-based ecoeducation on the issues of waste separation and recycling starts in Prešov

Producer Responsibility Organization NATUR-PACK acts as a partner of 1095 municipalities in the sector of waste separation financing, including three largest self-governments in Slovakia. In addition to the financing arrangements related to the municipal waste separation, PRO NATUR-PACK has also an obligation resulting from the actual legislation – to contribute to the education of public. Explanation of the importance of correct waste separation forms a main objective of the educational activities, importance of its recycling and last, but not least – waste generation prevention. Environmental protection is a common target of the overall activities.

Well established ecoeducational programs already exist in Bratislava and Košice under the umbrella of waste collection enterprises. Center of Environmental Education KOSIT arranges ecological education more than 10 years, and it is visited by app. 4000 children each year. A similar role in Bratislava is performed by OLO Center located directly in the premises of the Bratislava waste incineration plant, and it was made publicly accessible during the autumn last year.

“Having an excellent experience in Košice and Bratislava we decided to accept the offered cooperation also with the waste collection company Technické služby mesta Prešov (Technical Services of the city Prešov) that offered to us educational facilities directly in the Ekopark Holá Hora – the institution well known among many schools in Prešov”, released Michal Sebíň, PRO NATUR-PACK director.

„We want to profile the Ekopark also as a place for event-oriented educational activities. We created three day-long educational programs and I am glad that the PRO NATUR-PACK accepted our offer for cooperation that will allow us to broaden and to improve the environmental education. I believe that the schools in Prešov will use this possibility and that it will move our city toward better waste separation and waste generation prevention,” expressed Milan Toth, executive director and chair of the board of directors of the Technical Services of the Prešov city, a.s.

The educational program will be performed also by the non-governmental organization EVIANA, as NATUR-PACK has an excellent experience with its lecturers from many educational events in schools, municipality days or performances in the framework of the film festival Ekotopfilm – Envirofilm.

The schools can apply for the free ecoeducational events by the web-page of the Ekopark Holá Hora on the address: www.ekoparkpo.sk/ponukame/bezplatne-vzdelavacie-programy.

„We will start the education covering one morning session per week during the first half of the school year 2017/2018. The feedback from the teachers will be very important for us. If the reaction would be similar as in Bratislava and Košice, we will consider to increase the number of days for which the schools in Prešov could apply,” added Michal Sebíň.

The event-based educational programs of the non-profit organization EVIANA were developed by the top-quality lecturer Ing. Paulína Urdová


August 30th, 2017