Plastic carrying bags and Dual quality of food – Topics of the press conference of the Trade

We present to you an actual issues that were discussed during the press conference of the Trade and Tourism Association SR (ZOCR SR) in Bratislava. NATUR-PACK joined this successful event where up to 30 journalist participated.

ZOCR representatives discussed two main issues during the press conference, i.e. plastic carrying bags and present status of minimization of their use, and dual quality of food, that represents an alarming issue for public and state administration. Extremely interesting topics attracted the attention of journalists from several tens of media.

From ZOCR press release:


1. Plastic carrying bags

Businessmen, members of the Trade and Tourism Association SR (ZOCR SR) are fully aware that vast majority of plastic carrying bags enter the market via the trade enterprises. Thus, they will actively contribute to a significant and permanent reduction of amount of the plastic bags offered by the markets as one of the ways to improve the environmental protection in our country.

ZOCR SR joined from the above mentioned reasons the initiative of the Minister of Environment SR Mr. L. Sólymos - „Slovakia without plastic bags.“

„We already follow the numbers of different types of plastic carrying bags on a voluntary basis in our shops in order to reduce their number each year. Certain members of ZOCR SR do not use plastic bags at all. We are searching adequate and reasonable alternatives to the plastic bags, especially reusable and/or recyclable ones: paper, textile or another natural or biodegradable materials. We want not only to reduce the use of plastic carrying bags, but also small plastic sacs for weighted and piece-goods: fruits, vegetables, bakery – and to offer alternative packaging. We consider very important to enforce these measures also in the non-food merchandise, where we support our members to apply alternative methods of packaging of goods for the customers”, expressed Mr. Pavol Konštiak, president of ZOCR SR.

„We are also searching reliable and successful models from other countries: e.g. possibility of refunding certain financial means for non-use of plastic bag, or use of customers own bag instead of receiving cash for the use of plastic bags – considering such model interesting for the consumer.”

ZOCR SR educates its members in searching of more environmental friendly alternatives, however, we consider extremely important training of the consumers and their education toward more ecological packaging and transportation of purchased goods.

We are convinced that alternative methods to plastic bags open also certain challenges to small and mid-size enterprises to offer alternative packaging instead of plastic bags.

Nevertheless, we are concerned that we search acceptable and feasible alternatives for the ecologically unfriendly materials on one hand, but on the other hand, the costs of waste recycling and disposal recently increased dramatically. Thus, we call the attention to these extremely high costs as they may be transferred into increased consumer prices.

It can therefore be expected that prices will increase especially in goods, where producers will be faced to extremely increased fees for packaging waste in the year 2017, (e.g. glass – beverages and preserving industry), and the manufacturers will incorporate this increased costs to the trade network and to the final users. ZOCR SR enforces a fair approach in increasing of the prices.


2. Dual quality of food

ZOCR SR carefully follows the concerns of the public, state administration and media related to the reports of control authorities releasing different quality and composition of foods offered and sold under the identical trade mark and package in different member states of the European Union or even in the third countries.

ZOCR SR understands and supports the initiative of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Mrs. Gabriela Matečná, as well as the efforts to adopt certain measures on the EU level.

We are convinced that each manufacturer of food producing and introducing it into the market shall guarantee its equal quality not only in Slovakia, but also in the EU framework, and in all markets when considering the worldwide brands. The objections related to the different sensoric or qualitative requirements of the consumers in different countries or regions are not acceptable, especially when the production of the identically labelled products uses cheaper – lower quality – raw materials for placement onto the market of Central and Eastern Europe, or the composition of products is different.

“It is confusing for the consumer because he expects identical product in the identical package,” expressed Mr. Konštiak.

“Even though the composition of product is entirely in the competence of the manufacturer who is responsible for its quality and safety, the businessmen do not accept the practices misguiding the consumer. Each manufacturer can solve the potential serious regional discrepancies in the taste or quality by different title or labelling of the product,” he noticed.


March 8th, 2017