Un-squeezed packaging represents a problem in the waste separation for the whole Slovakia!

Packaging materials that are left un-squeezed in the framework of waste separation present a problem of the whole Slovakia. The transportation and handling costs represent a substantial proportion of the separated waste collection system operation. Empty or partially empty packaging is transported quite often. This is caused by un-squeezing of packaging, e.g. plastic, paper, but also multilayer combined materials and beverage canes. Everywhere we visually control the content of the separated waste containers we notice the un-squeezed PET bottles, paper boxes – often extremely large, and many other waste components. This fact results in early (often extremely quick) filling of the containers, as well as ineffective performance of the separated waste collection when the collection companies transport and handle the air.

We address the issues of un-squeezed packaging waste also during our eco-educational programs. See our video on the YouTube portal NATUR-PACK for the public, and - being accompanied by our lecturer Mgr. Andrej Popovič - visit one of the waste containers.