esulting from the Waste Act, NATUR-PACK also has the obligation to ensure educational activities and awareness campaigns for the public.
The organization NATUR-PACK performs information and educational activities for the public on a long-term basis, practically from its establishment in the year 2006. We intensively cooperate mostly with well established non-governmental organizations (e.g. INCIEN, ŽIVICA, DAPHNE, as well as with waste collection companies (e.g. waste collection companies OLO, KOSIT, Brandnter Poprad, Technical Services of the city Prešov etc.) and also with other organizations and individuals - thanks to such cooperation we ensure the event-based educational programs.
Examples of educational activities and projects:
- OLO center – center for eco-education and excursions to the OLO waste incineration facility in Bratislava
- Eco-education of the organization DAPHNE in the nursery and elemantary schools
- Original educational program of the company NATUR-PACK Zberný dvor (Collection Yard) created with the writer and singer Branislav Jobus
- Educational portal Garbage Gobblers. It is a unique educational portal about waste for children, parents and teachers
- Partnership with the ČIERNA LABUŤ (Black Swan) portal, introducing reports on selected topics related to waste management.
- The alchemy of municipal waste sorting - the most detailed electronic guide on waste sorting (created in cooperation with organizations INCIEN and Slovakia Going Zero Waste
- YouTube videos - organization NATUR-PACK regularly publishes educational videos (English subtitles included) about waste on the YouTube platform. NATUR-PACK has already received several important awards for this project.