Všeobecné 05.03.2014
Report on packaging and fulfilment of binding limits for 2013 was submitted
Collective organization NATUR-PACK, a.s submitted within the statutory period (28.2.2014) for their clients Report on packaging and fulfilment of binding limits of the recovery and recycling
Všeobecné 17.02.2014
NATUR-PACK, a.s. Company launches the web in Hungarian, Polish, and German languages
NATUR-PACK, a.s. Company has more than 4 thousand clients, representing 57 % of the market share in Slovakia. As our client base includes also foreign companies, we decided to translate
Všeobecné 11.07.2013
Eco-education with NATUR-PACK, a.s.
We have been promoting environmental education since 2008, because we realize that the importance of the individual in waste recycling is undeniable. We mainly focus on school
Všeobecné 04.07.2013
The Targets Review Project
The Targets Review Project has been commissioned by DG Environment at the European Commission.* The project seeks to review key targets under the Waste Framework Directive
Všeobecné 26.06.2013
The AMO SR succeeded before the Supreme Court for the next time
On 23 May 2013, the Supreme Court of the Slovak Republic (“Supreme Court”) confirmed the correctness of the decision of the Antimonopoly Office of the Slovak Republic (“the AMO” or
Všeobecné 13.05.2013
The intention of the Waste Act brings crucial changes
In May 2013, the Ministry of Environment published three important documents: Legislative intent of the amendment to the Waste Act, "Battery" Amendment to the Waste Act, The draft law on